Bottles is a really easy-to-use tool that lets you run Windows software on Linux thanks to WINE. Yes, even games and applications designed for Windows! With Bottles you can organize and categorize each software according to your preferences, making everything neater and easier to manage. It also gives you a number of tools and integrations to help you manage and optimize your applications effectively.
The main problem for people switching to Linux after years of using Windows is getting used to specific software that is not available on Linux. This creates a kind of addiction that often leads to giving up on the new operating system. However, once you overcome this obstacle and use Linux day after day, you learn to find viable alternatives to replace the programs that keep you tied to Windows.

If you want to do without Windows but still need the software you use for work, I suggest you try WINE. It is not an emulator, but an actual system that allows you to run Windows programs directly on a computer running Linux.
In this regard, Bottles is a frontend for WINE that is proving to be really useful. This tool makes it very easy to configure Windows applications to run on Linux with WINE. Bottles offers many configuration options, including two presets dedicated to video games and generic applications, as well as the ability to create custom configurations for more experienced users.
Once you’ve installed Bottles, it’s super easy to get started. Just open the app and create a new “bottle”. You’ll need to choose if you want a setup for video games, applications, or a custom configuration. After that, just name your bottle and save it. It’s a good idea to name it after the app you’re planning to install, just to keep things clear when you launch it, but it’s not a strict rule.