Use Data Analytics to Maximize Business Efficiency and Increase Cash Flow

Successful businesses use data analytics to integrate operational data and strategic business information for better decision-making and market predictions. Specific metrics highlight potential risks and opportunities in business processes and practices, identify your high-value customers, and reconcile marketing campaign results with sales data and customer satisfaction responses. This article shows how analytics support your drive for business improvements through a better understanding of market segmentation, cash flows, and invoicing operations.

The Big Picture

Business efficiency is traditionally measured with sales and resource figures, asset turnover rates, and various inventory statistics. Variable cost analytics and activity metrics indicate potential savings in areas such as business travel and employee benefits. Inventory analytics focus on stock and logistics, such as purchase-to-delivery time ratios and backorder statistics. When supply chains tighten, data analytics on the effectiveness of customer and supplier communications identify bottlenecks that suggest immediate and creative solutions.
Detailed customer relationship management analytics keep track of customer interactions and sales to streamline flows and stimulate potential improvements in customer acquisition, retention, and service. You gain an overall understanding — the big picture — of your business engagement with the market. A key to improving efficiency is using data analytics to drill down and better understand market segmentation, sources of income, and cash flows.

Market Segmentation

Are your customers drawn from a particular demographic or geographic region? Do your most profitable products exhibit seasonal or irregular sales patterns? Web behavior and transactional data, including bounce rates and sales conversions, provide situational awareness and suggest useful new marketing activities. One potent combination graphically displays data on sales, business transactions, and logistics with data on product development and customer acquisition and retention to yield insight into how efficiently your business is engaged with current and new market segments. Reach beyond common segmentation categories based on sales, customer age, and location to include customer preferences, sentiments, and online personas.

Data Analytics

Gain insight into where the market is going with a competitor analysis. Use your own data analytics with big data mining techniques for brand monitoring, SEO performance analysis, and related product development and market segmentation questions.

Cash Flow Visibility

High visibility on cash flow promotes financial stability, planning, and predictability. Reduce cash flow uncertainty and stress levels with a regular cash flow analysis. Manage cash flow based on receivables and proactive work with customers and suppliers on invoicing and backorders. Cash-debt ratios and operating margin analytics facilitate more confident forecasting of future cash flows. 
Be sure the invoicing process is working to your advantage. Are you receiving payments on time? Do you receive an early warning of potential cash flow problems? Are there distinct patterns in accounts associated with individual customers or suppliers? An invoice maker, free online, is an effective management tool to increase cash flow visibility and stabilize cash flows. Create customized invoices from pre-made templates that incorporate your visual identity package and your logo, copy, and branding features in a preferred format. Interface ease-of-use, payment integration, and cloud storage and delivery options are additional invoice generator features to consider.

Next Steps

Data analytics generate insights and predictions to improve strategic market segmentation and increase cash flow efficiencies.

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Text by Cody McBride – Image via Pexels

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