CorelDraw is the perfect alternative for Adobe Illustrator, in case you do not want to go for a subscription plan.

This solution has really anything you need to create and customize your vector drawings: tools to quickly draw lines, curves (including the Pen Tool), regular shapes and circles, but also advanced tools to apply transparency, shadow, distortion and 3D Extrusion for objects and Text. But CorelDRAW is not just vector drawing. It also has advanced adjustments and effects to improve the appearance of your images and photos, which makes this software great for quick photo corrections without searching for another product.

You can discover CorelDraw in the Official Page


get a discount on your first purchase with our CorelDraw dedicated link!

A very professional software with a very friendly user interface makes it a great choice for both beginners and professionals.

You can also check our video tutorial about CorelDraw!

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